Good morning
It's early in the morning on a beautiful Saturday in September. I am watching the morning out the window and I am enjoying the change in the weather patterns. The sun used to be on my sundeck first thing in the morning and today it's shady. The sun has changed position and soon we will be getting ready for the fall weather to set in and cool everything down.
Fall is a time of getting ready for winter, learning to enjoy the time indoors rather than outdoors, getting the canning done and just preparing for the cold weather to come. It's one of my favourite times because I see the fruits of our labor in the garden and now I prepare to can and put up everything that I can possibly do. It's a really satisfying feeling knowing that you grew it, canned it and ate it all winter. I just love it. I am truly a homebody who loves to put everything on the shelves and look at it all winter, eat it and thoroughly enjoy what I have done.
It's also a time of being alone more and enjoying that quiet time by yourself, learning how to meditate and just quiet the mind because there isn't anything pressing to be done when it's cold and snowy outside.
It can also be a time of enjoying the company of your friends when it's cold out because there isn't much to do outside during the cold seasons. So we visit inside and we laugh and we cook together and feel wonderful about it.
Look for people in your life who are spiritually minded as you are and you will find satisfaction on the cold winter day in discussing your inner knowing with someone who agrees or sees it their way and there is no wrong way. Laughter, spirit and company are three things to thoroughly allow into your life in the winter because it is your way of entertaining yourself and your friends throughout the cold weather.
Make tea, steep it and sit down and drink it knowing it is good for you and it heals your body and spirit. Such a great time to learn about different kinds of tea and what they will do for you during your winter when your immune system requires some extra boosts.
Love each season for they offer something different, each of them. They offer opportunity to broaden your horizons and allow a different energy in. Love yourself for trying something different this year.
I love you
Julie Severn