Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Anxiety and Trauma

Good morning
It's a cold, crisp morning here in Kamloops and it's going to be a sunny day again.  I love this weather because the cold is brisk and keeps you alert and the sun warms your bones even through the cold.  Today is going to be another beautiful day and it's another day to keep working on ourselves.  Every day our intent is what drives us through our lives.  Do I intend to heal?  Do I intend to keep feeling pain and emotional trauma?  I have a choice and I can choose to heal. 

Because of my car accident in 2003, I have had to learn a lot of tools to put into my kitbag.  One such tool is allowing myself to feel the way I do each day.  I learned that when the anxiety attacks were so forceful that they shut me down.  I went through Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and learned to heal through it without drugs.  It was very difficult but worth it because my life is mine and I will not give my power to drugs.  I learned to stop being silent about how I was feeling.  Our first tendency is to shut down and stop talking even though the trauma and anxiety are eating us alive on the inside.  It gets worse when you shut down so talk about it.  Just say out loud, I am feeling anxious right now but it's okay for me to feel this way.  I allow myself to feel upset and I know it will go away.  And it does. It just goes away because you have taken its power away from you. 

Another thing was to get in my car and scream at the top of my lungs.  I would turn on the music and scream while I sang.  I could not believe how much that helped.   I have learned from the ground up how to heal myself and it was a long journey but well worth the travel.  I also learned to use the power of speech during affirmations as a tool to heal myself.   I started saying every day, "I now release all cellular memory of my car accident, post traumatic stress and anxiety from my spiritual, physical, emotional and mental bodies, past, present and future."  Just saying that has taken all anxiety attacks away and I now live in a more peaceful way.  It really works.  Just try it and see for yourself. 

So many of us are having anxiety attacks and don't talk about it, nor do we understand why.  It doesn't have to be a huge catastrophic accident like mine to cause anxiety.  It could  be something  like a parent passing away, a divorce, a child moving out, changing jogs, moving out of your old house to a new one.  It does not take much to cause it and it can be crippling. 

Choose life and choose peace.  Choose healing and choose your power.  That makes a good day.
I love you.
Julie Severn

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