Saturday, 23 June 2012

Anxiety and Spirituality

Good morning.  Another Saturday morning and I sit here contemplating the essence of life.  I am doing a workshop tomorrow all day and it is about anxiety.  I have learned how to cope and remove it from my life altogether and now I desire to share this information with as many people as will listen.

I experienced my own hell after my motor vehicle accident and learned through many coping mechanisms such as tapping, screaming and affirmations and have found that affirmations work better than anything so far.

I did this without the assistance of a medical doctor and decided that medication was not for me, rather meditation was for me and worked like nothing I had experienced yet.  I learned how to take control of my body back and apply it to my day to day life.  I feel such peace from doing this that it's amazing and I desire for anyone who is in the dilemma to contact me and let me know if I can help them.

Anxiety is all consuming and the most frightening thing a person could experience without understanding what it's all about and when we realize what is happening to our bodies, we can learn to take back our control and turn it back around into positive energy.  Kinetic energy needs to be dissipated before it can do something to help us and so, anxiety will take control of this energy and turn it so that we don't even know who we are anymore. 

Trust me, it's worth learning how to heal it without drugs from the doctor and to take our control back so that we are happy and content with how things play out in our lives.

Learning is easy, application is another story but it's worth it.

I love you sooooo much
Julie Severn

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