Friday, 29 June 2012

Feeling and Healing

Good morning, it's another beautiful day in paradise and I am looking forward to swimming in my pool and playing with my grandbabies because school is out!  Yeah!  I am going to take them camping and we are going to swim, swim, swim in the lake every day.  Camping is the most fun because you let go and relax and that's what is necessary this divine summer.

Well, 2012 is half over and the world did not end.  We have another five months of the year and if we stay in the same mind and heart set, all should be good.  It's about you using your heart to direct you and help you with realizing your full potential to be a person of love and light at all times.  Your heart is your guide and it's giving you what you require each day.  Sometimes we don't listen to our heart and we let our brain direct us (mental body) and that is not the way we are wired.  We are actually hard wired to use our hearts first but sometimes we short circuit ourselves by thinking that our brain is the boss and it should be leading us.  Not true, if we do that, we get into a world of trouble because the brain is basically the follower and it listens to the heart but when the heart is closed, the brain takes over, creates trouble and then takes credit for solving the issue.   The issue that never needed to happen in the first place if it weren't for the brain. 

Quite a conundrum but worth checking into.  If you are working from your heart, you will find that you feel softer about life and things don't bother you as much.  You will find that you solve problems quite easily and that life goes more smoothly.  If you are working from the brain, chaos will ensue and you will be looking for trouble behind every day.  Confusing and yet, once you learn, you will be surprised how easy it really can be.

Meditation is the first start.  Simply close your eyes, call your angels to come to you with love and start listening to them and letting them help you.  The rest comes more easily.  The hard part, sitting still long enough for the God light to come into you and guide you.  It's about being very quiet and letting your body relax and feeling your body breathe with ease and slowly.  It's the most peaceful feeling because you are completely giving up controls and allowing what is to come in and be your guiding light.

Win, win as far as I am concerned and you too.
I love you soooo much
Julie Severn

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