Saturday, 2 June 2012


Well it's another Saturday and the weather is cloudy but still beautiful.  It's warm and we're in for a storm today and I loooooove storms.  They are the most wonderful gift of nature.  You can feel the energy in the air, it's almost electric and it builds until it achieves crescendo and it's absolutely wonderful.  The relief after the storm is most rewarding.  You know your garden got fertilized, the world got cleansed and the air is clear and clean and free of old energy and stuff that sits there waiting for just such a storm to come and clear it away.

It's a healing time for Mother Earth and for us.  How we take the storm is our option.  We can choose to enjoy it and feel re-enervated or we can choose to feel sad that its raining and we can't go outside.  Sometimes being inside in the storm is a great feeling.  We love the cleanse and so does Earth.  Great gift for all concerned.

When the sun shines we feel something inside us that makes us go outside and enjoy the warmth and when the rain comes, we feel something inside us that makes us stay inside and hunker down and be quiet and introspective.  It's truly a gift and how we receive that gift is huge.  I feel that all kinds of weather bring all kinds of different gifts and so, we just accept the gifts when they come and just find something else to do that makes us smile.  Sometimes we just want to sit and watch a movie or catch up on things that don't get done when we're too busy outside.  It's all good.

Have a wonderful and joyful day.
I love you
Julie Severn

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