Wednesday 15 May 2013

Elections, Elections, Elections

Well, good morning.  It's been a long time since I have written but I think today might be a good one. We have just finished our British Columbia election and apparently the Liberals made it in again.  Good?  Bad?  Indifferent?
I feel that we are here for a good reason.  We must focus on our own energy rather than what is going on around us.  Let's look at our own issues, work to heal them and watch the rest of the world improve itself.    Spirituality is a personal journey and life is a spiritual journey.  How do we apply these into our day-to-day lives when turmoil is all around us?
Firstly, close your eyes and visualize that you feel peaceful and serene, tell yourself that you are peaceful and serene and breathe deeply several times.   Doing that every day is a good start.
The elections in our province, country or world are indicative of what we are feeling inside of ourselves.  If we feel upset and worried about the elections, it indicates that we, too, are upset and worried about ourselves.
Inner peace is a long journey and it requires dedication (just like a job or being a spouse or a parent) and it requires you to look deeply into yourself on a daily basis and decide what might require tweaking today or tomorrow or even in that moment.   It's about being aware of what you are feeling and why at all times.
If you feel upset, start visualizing that you are not and that you are a whole, complete and healthy person in all four of your bodies and start projecting that energy outward and all around you.  Watch your surroundings start to change and watch your reality start to bend to your will. If you don't like what an elected official is doing, send loving energy to them to help them with good decisions and love infused political policies.  They won't know you are doing it but they will appreciate it beyond your wildest imagination.
The political arena is all about competition, one-upping another, slinging mud (there was a lot of that) and trying to prove yourself to the lions in the actual arena.  Not a good place to be in my modest opinion.  I would rather chew my own arm off than join in that group of people.  We criticize them, berate them and generally hate them for what they do in our province and yet, we seem to need them. Why not send them love and know that they receive it on a deep level?
Anyway, another election has happened and it really did not change our world, only we are capable of doing that.
I send you a lot of love and light and blessings for a wonderful day.
I love you so much

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