Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Happy October
This is a beautiful day.  The wind is blustering and blowing all over the place, the leaves are blowing everywhere and it's just glorious.  I love this weather being cooler and crisper and it's a time of finishing the summer harvest in the garden.  Such a good feeling when you look in your freezer and on your shelves at what you have accomplished from growing it yourself. 

It's also getting close to the time for quiet introspection and meditation.  It's all about self-healing and paying attention to what you require to make your life whole.  Wholesome foods and good thoughts are one way to start your path to healing.

What do you ingest into your body?  Ice cream?  Chocolate?  Wheat?  Sugar?  MSG?  Trust your feelings about what your ingest and learn to listen to your body as you do ingest these foods. 

What is your environment like?  Are you using soaps with Sodium Laurel Sulphate?  Are you using natural shampoo, dishwasher soap, hand soap, laundry soap, cleaning fluids?  Remember that your skin is the largest organ in your body and the more natural you make your environment, the healthier you make your body. 

Pay close attention to how you feel when you are exposed to chemicals and what they are doing to you and those you love. 

Making these small but very significant changes to your diet and your environment can improve how you feel and it can even make you take weight off.   It can give you energy and help you to sleep more deeply at night.  Those afternoon naps may leave and help you to feel robust and exuberant about life.  Eating those foods and being around those chemicals can even cause depression because you are overstimulating your body.

If you could even just contemplate what small change you could make to your life and your home you would notice a positive outcome very quickly.

Think about it.
I love you soooooo much.
Julie Severn

Saturday, 8 September 2012

September Saturday

Good morning
It's early in the morning on a beautiful Saturday in September.  I am watching the morning out the window and I am enjoying the change in the weather patterns.  The sun used to be on my sundeck first thing in the morning and today it's shady.  The sun has changed position and soon we will be getting ready for the fall weather to set in and cool everything down.

Fall is a time of getting ready for winter, learning to enjoy the time indoors rather than outdoors, getting the canning done and just preparing for the cold weather to come.  It's one of my favourite times because I see the fruits of our labor in the garden and now I prepare to can and put up everything that I can possibly do.  It's a really satisfying feeling knowing that you grew it, canned it and ate it all winter.  I just love it.   I am truly a homebody who loves to put everything on the shelves and look at it all winter, eat it and thoroughly enjoy what I have done. 

It's also a time of being alone more and enjoying that quiet time by yourself, learning how to meditate and just quiet the mind because there isn't anything pressing to be done when it's cold and snowy outside. 

It can also be a time of enjoying the company of your friends when it's cold out because there isn't much to do outside during the cold seasons.  So we visit inside and we laugh and we cook together and feel wonderful about it.

Look for people in your life who are spiritually minded as you are and you will find satisfaction on the cold winter day in discussing your inner knowing with someone who agrees or sees it their way and there is no wrong way.  Laughter, spirit and company are three things to thoroughly allow into your life in the winter because it is your way of entertaining yourself and your friends throughout the cold weather.

Make tea, steep it and sit down and drink it knowing it is good for you and it heals your body and spirit.  Such a great time to learn about different kinds of tea and what they will do for you during your winter when your immune system requires some extra boosts.

Love each season for they offer something different, each of them.  They offer opportunity to broaden your horizons and allow a different energy in.  Love yourself for trying something different this year.

I love you
Julie Severn

Saturday, 21 July 2012

More on Anxiety

Good morning
It's a beautiful Saturday again and I am sitting here thinking a lot about what to say so I decided to share about what I feel about anxiety.  I feel it is a symptom not a disease and it is quite powerful in that it masks what is wrong in a huge way but it also shows us what to look at, if we dare.

Anxiety is a deeper rooted problem inside the emotional body are waiting to be freed.  Anxiety frees the deep rooted issues without the person having to deal  with the emotions that caused it in the first place.  It's like a one way door that allows the person to allow the unresolved emotions to come out but stops the persons from  going over the edge.  Many feel that medication can help the deep rooted problems but they act as a bandaid to cover the pain and scars and thereby stop them from healing altogether.

When we choose to open ourselves to our emotional body, we allow our feelings to unloose and free us to heal.

We are basically spiritual and emotional beings here in a physical body.  Our mental body goes along with the other three bodies and it's never  it's idea as to what is happening inside us or around us.

The mental body never makes the decisions unless there is imbalance in the bodies and the emotional body is heart based and when it feels unsafe, the mental body takes over and causes the body as a whole to follow its lead.  Its not an easy road because all of humankind, especially the scientists and doctors believe that the brain and the mental body should be in charge. In all of
History and humankinds challenges cry out for the emotional body to take over and lead us back to our heart centers.

We are so heart oriented that mental imbalance occurs when  we don't listen to that part of us.  Our heart is our guidance, our salvation and the best part of us.  We deny that part of us when trauma happens and we damage ourselves but not as irreparable as we think it is. 

Once we  open the heart centers we we can allow ourselves to heal all four bodies  and learn to listen to our hearts.  We are so full of feeling when we are born and time and negative experiences  make those feelings go away.  Where do they go?  Do they leave forever, never to be found again?  Do we play hide and seek with ourselves indefinitely? 

Yes, because we are so powerful that we can hide from ourselves for as long as it takes for our emotions and heart centers to come out when they are ready.  It is all about being ready to feel safe enough to allow our emotional body to begin leading the way again.

Severe  trauma (your interpretation only) is a catalyst for you to hide from yourself until you are ready to come back out into the light without fear or the pain overtaking you to the point you cannot return.

The mental hospitals are full of poor souls who cannot allow themselves to open up and so they stay in there, fully medicated and continue to run from what they are feeling and what they truly desire and require to jump the hurdle of their own minds.

That hurdle can be insurmountable when you cannot see anything but darkness, danger and emotional trauma all around you. 

The doctors and scientists have spent all of their time researching the mental body and they think that they are in the right track by prescribing medications to people with anxiety and post traumatic stress and it covers up those unsafe and painful feelings.  It's completely okay to do that as long as you desire and if it makes your world feel safe and yet,anxiety and depression still come through when  you feel stress and fear.  It's easy to mask those cellular feelings but  they never really go away and they will take power over you until you decide to take power over them.

The unfortunate part about the anxiety releasing the deep rooted problems inside is that those emotions come out inappropriately and run rampant throughout us they cause imbalance in the four body system.  We feel overwhelmed and cannot handle the way those emotions release and we automatically define those feelings as a bad thing.

Our growth or lack of growth throughout the years also defines us as we age  and how we deal with our emotions are ingrained in us through our human bonds and family ties.  Our families teach us how to behave, how to hide what is inside us and to deny our power because they don't know any better.  It's not that they made a mistake, they were taught that as well and so the pattern continues and goes on until we jump off the ride and stop the cycles.
I love you sooo much
Julie Severn

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Summer Energy

Well, so far I am having a great summer.  It's beautiful, we're swimming in the pool every day and I am not doing a lot of cooking.  Not because I am lazy, but I am so hot.  It's a good hot though because it means that the weather is purrfect.  Did I tell you I am a Leo and I love those sunshine days where the sky is endless and it's warm beyond anything you imagine. 

I do look forward to going out to the lake for a camping trip with my grandbabies but that's because it's great bonding time and we enjoy ourselves immensely.  It's the best and I won't give it up for the world.

I have been on an emotional healing tangent these days and I am so glad that I have been doing it.  It makes a great difference in one's life and allows us to go on without all the extra baggage we carry with us.  We don't realize what we are carrying but when we feel our backs and our legs and our hips and even our shoulders, we might notice.  How much pain are you in?  Is it bad?  Did you know it's not personal injury but just emotional injury transmuting into physical pain because you did not pay attention to it and it managed to niggle its way into your body? 

There are many ways to fix this, the first one being, fix your stuff and make it go away.  Easier said than done?  Not at all.  Easier done than said. 

I will be doing a workshop in Maple Ridge on September 22, 2012 and it will be all about emotional healing and I invite you to attend if you dare.  We're going to have fun and laugh our cares away and play a bit with emotional garbage.  Why not come and see what you might learn to help yourself?

I love you soooo much.
Julie Severn

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Happy Sunshine

Well, we went to Vancouver to visit friends and had a wonderful time.  The weather was gorgeous, the food was great and the company was awesome.   So good to have friends that you can relax with and enjoy without feeling as if you have to be on.  It's nice to be with people who feel the same way as you do and that you can discuss anything and just be.  What a gift.

This summer is beautiful and peaceful and spending time with friends around the pool is the greatest and we are looking forward to spending time with as many people as possible during this good weather.  The vegetable garden is huge and we are eating out of it and the flowers are blooming with such joy at the sunshine.

Spend this summer with your friends and enjoy it as much as you can because you will not regret it.  We spend too much time working and not relaxing and just being with people we love.  We have to remember how important that is and make sure we do it as often as possible because it's too easy to forget and just stay by ourselves. 

I plan to spend this whole summer having a good time and relaxing and swimming as much as humanly possible.  Thank you God and humankind for such a great planet and such a great life.

I love you.
Julie Severn

Friday, 29 June 2012

Feeling and Healing

Good morning, it's another beautiful day in paradise and I am looking forward to swimming in my pool and playing with my grandbabies because school is out!  Yeah!  I am going to take them camping and we are going to swim, swim, swim in the lake every day.  Camping is the most fun because you let go and relax and that's what is necessary this divine summer.

Well, 2012 is half over and the world did not end.  We have another five months of the year and if we stay in the same mind and heart set, all should be good.  It's about you using your heart to direct you and help you with realizing your full potential to be a person of love and light at all times.  Your heart is your guide and it's giving you what you require each day.  Sometimes we don't listen to our heart and we let our brain direct us (mental body) and that is not the way we are wired.  We are actually hard wired to use our hearts first but sometimes we short circuit ourselves by thinking that our brain is the boss and it should be leading us.  Not true, if we do that, we get into a world of trouble because the brain is basically the follower and it listens to the heart but when the heart is closed, the brain takes over, creates trouble and then takes credit for solving the issue.   The issue that never needed to happen in the first place if it weren't for the brain. 

Quite a conundrum but worth checking into.  If you are working from your heart, you will find that you feel softer about life and things don't bother you as much.  You will find that you solve problems quite easily and that life goes more smoothly.  If you are working from the brain, chaos will ensue and you will be looking for trouble behind every day.  Confusing and yet, once you learn, you will be surprised how easy it really can be.

Meditation is the first start.  Simply close your eyes, call your angels to come to you with love and start listening to them and letting them help you.  The rest comes more easily.  The hard part, sitting still long enough for the God light to come into you and guide you.  It's about being very quiet and letting your body relax and feeling your body breathe with ease and slowly.  It's the most peaceful feeling because you are completely giving up controls and allowing what is to come in and be your guiding light.

Win, win as far as I am concerned and you too.
I love you soooo much
Julie Severn

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Anxiety and Spirituality

Good morning.  Another Saturday morning and I sit here contemplating the essence of life.  I am doing a workshop tomorrow all day and it is about anxiety.  I have learned how to cope and remove it from my life altogether and now I desire to share this information with as many people as will listen.

I experienced my own hell after my motor vehicle accident and learned through many coping mechanisms such as tapping, screaming and affirmations and have found that affirmations work better than anything so far.

I did this without the assistance of a medical doctor and decided that medication was not for me, rather meditation was for me and worked like nothing I had experienced yet.  I learned how to take control of my body back and apply it to my day to day life.  I feel such peace from doing this that it's amazing and I desire for anyone who is in the dilemma to contact me and let me know if I can help them.

Anxiety is all consuming and the most frightening thing a person could experience without understanding what it's all about and when we realize what is happening to our bodies, we can learn to take back our control and turn it back around into positive energy.  Kinetic energy needs to be dissipated before it can do something to help us and so, anxiety will take control of this energy and turn it so that we don't even know who we are anymore. 

Trust me, it's worth learning how to heal it without drugs from the doctor and to take our control back so that we are happy and content with how things play out in our lives.

Learning is easy, application is another story but it's worth it.

I love you sooooo much
Julie Severn

Wednesday, 13 June 2012


Do you feel alone?  Even if there are people in the room, in the house, on your street?  This is not unusual in today's life.  We find ourselves insulated from society within the walls of our houses, the doors that we keep closed and locked and our property is ours and no one can step onto it unless invited or they're delivering newspapers and mail. 

The days of old used to be that everyone sat on their front steps and rocked and read their newspapers and drank their coffee in the morning.   People used to talk to one another and care what was happening on their street and in their town.  They did not much care what was happening in their country or the world because they did not have televisions or radios informing them of every disaster in the world.  They just rocked and looked at their world and loved it.  It was a safe and peaceful place to be and then progress happened and they moved on with their perspective of their world.  It became fearful and scary and now we should lock our doors and stay indoors without visiting the neighbourhood or talking to anyone.

Do you even know your neighbours?  Do you know the people down the street who walk their dogs and walk right past your home without looking in your windows.   What if you smiled and said good morning when you were watering your garden or sitting on the front stoop drinking your morning coffee?  Wouldn't that be good?  Yes, it would and it would feel wonderful too.  It would be a way of feeling as if you belong.  You can bless your property with love and light and that only love and light can enter but if you're not being of love and light, no one will want to enter or visit. 

It's all about energy and letting the love that is deep within you emanate outward so that others are attracted to your energy and desire to be around it.  It's all about feeling safe and creating a safe place for you in your home and on your street so that it's welcoming and yet, no one feels threatened.

Open your heart to care about what is happening in your own little world (I am not talking about the big world, we all know it has its difficulties) and learn that what you create in your space has a way of sending love energy outward to the rest of the world and especially if you start with your neighbourhood.    Mother Earth cares that you care and a way to start would be to just look after your own space and yourself.  If you do that and if everyone does that, imagine what a great world it would be.  It would be safe to step out and smell the flowers and to talk, actually talk to people again and know that they feel the same way about life.

Become a little old fashioned and put those rose colored glasses back on and let yourself be a little brave and a little less lonely.  Don't fear rejection because if you accept yourself, everyone will accept you too.

I love you soooo much
Julie Severn

Saturday, 9 June 2012


How does it feel to be in a thunder storm? Isn't it wonderful? The enegy is so electric and you can feel it surge through you. It's a whole other kind of cleanse. Really good for you, Today is another Saturday and I am watching the rain fall, the wind blow and I can feel the storm coming. I love it so much. More cleansing. Mother earth will be doing a lot of that this year, cleansing and starting things anew. We have a lot to look forward to I this time in our lives and how we take it is up to us. We can choose to make the changes frightening or we can choose to make them joyful and enthusiastic. It'd the old cup half empty, half full theory. How we choose to accept our lives and the changes that cause us to evolve into someone different is our choice entirely. I can choose to live in fear of what is to come or I can choose to wait for it with enthusiasm and happiness that changes are going to be positive for us and for the planet. Doom and gloom sells newspapers but what if it's not that bad? What if the changes to the planet are actually good? Maybe we will see some species die off or move on but more will take their place. Maybe we I'll see the planet change so radically that we will see a new north pole somewhere else and where the weather was once really warm, it will get cold. That's not a bad thing, it's just a different thing. Not bad, just another way. Its okay, nothing to be afraid of, just different. How you choose to perceive change is entirely up to you. My suggestion, accept, embrace and just be. It doesn't really matter. This planet has been here long before us and it will be here long after us. We're the ones who must desire to evolve and agree that change is healthy rather than fear it. The old gratitude attitude is a good idea. Let's just hug ourselves and the good old mother earth. She really loves us and we really love her. And I love you so much Julie Severn

Saturday, 2 June 2012


Well it's another Saturday and the weather is cloudy but still beautiful.  It's warm and we're in for a storm today and I loooooove storms.  They are the most wonderful gift of nature.  You can feel the energy in the air, it's almost electric and it builds until it achieves crescendo and it's absolutely wonderful.  The relief after the storm is most rewarding.  You know your garden got fertilized, the world got cleansed and the air is clear and clean and free of old energy and stuff that sits there waiting for just such a storm to come and clear it away.

It's a healing time for Mother Earth and for us.  How we take the storm is our option.  We can choose to enjoy it and feel re-enervated or we can choose to feel sad that its raining and we can't go outside.  Sometimes being inside in the storm is a great feeling.  We love the cleanse and so does Earth.  Great gift for all concerned.

When the sun shines we feel something inside us that makes us go outside and enjoy the warmth and when the rain comes, we feel something inside us that makes us stay inside and hunker down and be quiet and introspective.  It's truly a gift and how we receive that gift is huge.  I feel that all kinds of weather bring all kinds of different gifts and so, we just accept the gifts when they come and just find something else to do that makes us smile.  Sometimes we just want to sit and watch a movie or catch up on things that don't get done when we're too busy outside.  It's all good.

Have a wonderful and joyful day.
I love you
Julie Severn

Saturday, 26 May 2012

May, 2012 Watching

Hello, we are all watching what's happening on the planet right now.   Are we frightened?  Do we feel fear about the future and what is coming for our planet?  Let's take our fear away and turn it into love and recognize that what happens in the future is in our hands and it's completely up to us how the world progresses. 

Are you recycling, planting your own garden, composting and doing what you can to make sure that your footprint is not huge in a negative way?  All it takes is a small step and it tempts your palate to take more steps in the light direction.   Watching your garden grow (yes, even if you live in a condominium, you can have flower pots, herb pots and even vegetable pots) is a most rewarding gift and it makes you feel so wonderful and happy and when you eat the fruits of your hard work, your palate will be so pleased that you actually did it.

When you drive, do you plan your trip so that you can get everything you must do done at the same time so you don't waste gas?   All of these actions make a huge impact on your life and the life of the planet.  We don't have to do anything too radical, just small steps.  You can pray for others in the world but you must look after your own backyard first.  Looking after what you and your family are doing will help to look after the whole planet.  After all, it's all about intent and what you intend to happen on the planet and in your own life.

Grab your power and run with it and make changes that will make your life more comfortable and less guilty.  It's worth it in the end.  Trust me.

I love you soooooo much
Julie Severn

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

We are all there

Well, I had a reply from my Are You There blog so it's worthwhile to ask.  Someone is actually reading it and that's great.  My goal is to help people find their power and their inner knowing.  You are born with this power and knowledge and you lose it during your lifetime as a child when everyone tells you to stop talking to yourself.  It's scary to see a child talking to her/himself and as a parent, you look at the child and wonder if they're okay.  I tell you they're great, they are talking to their guides and they are learning how to feel the power inside. 

When we block our guides away, we block our power and our ability to predict, see what is in our lives and worst of all, to listen to what our guides have to tell us to help us.  If we listen, we can hear them speak and help us in all that we are doing.  It's really nice and it makes you feel peaceful to know that you are not alone and you have never been alone.  You will never be alone if you listen and open your heart to All That Is.  Remember the piece of God you will always be and use that piece of God to help you in guidance, manifestation and learning how to access that inner you who is trying to come out and be with you.  Work hard to open your heart and you will see the glow that emanates from you into others.

Ask out loud, "Come to me with Love" and wait for it, you will feel a glow through you and you will tingle and then you say out loud, "Will I hear you speak to me?"  Did you hear that?  You will.  Trust that little voice inside you that is speaking and trying to help you.

Now that's a good day.
I love you sooooo much
Julie Severn

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Are You There?

Hi, are you reading this?  I write but I don't know if anyone is reading it.   So, I will keep writing and hope that someone will read what I write even though it may not be agreeable to everyone.  I love writing and I love helping people so if you are reading this, there is more to come.
I love you

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Warm days to come

Hi, I am so looking forward to the warm days of summer to come. Holidays, swimming, camping and just relaxing. The garden is also going to be planted soon and I am also looking forward to that with great joy. I feel the same way about my garden as I do my holidays and swimming in my pool. I find it the most gratifying part of summer because my husband and I created it and we soooo enjoy the rewards. We plant our garden with love and we make it organic. We use no fertilizer, only compost, peat moss and grass clippings. Our garden is wonderful and it grows of its own volition. We watch it grow, we eat all summer from its rewards and we hardly buy anything from the store all summer. To give back to the planet, I plant crystals into the planet that I bless and program to do what is necessary. I say things like, "I remove all previous programs from this crystal and I now program this crystal to heal, cleanse, sanctify and purify this land. I program this crystal to protect this land from negative energy and to protect this family from negative energy. So it is." I hold the crystals in my hands with my palms over and under them when I say those words. It programs the crystal and t helps the land and us. What a great deal. I love doing that and have planted crystals in the land and on The land. They are very protective and helps immeasurably. Try it, you won't regret it. I love you Julie Severn

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Making Changes

Good morning, how are you today?  Are you feeling stuck?  Do you feel as if you're walking on a treadmill and you're not getting anywhere?  

Just step off and go do something different.  Go for a walk outside and enjoy the sun, the clouds, the birds and look at everything as if it's  new.   When you come home clean out your drawers, dust the walls, move the furniture around in your living room and your bedroom.  Make some changes and shake out the cobwebs.  Look at everything in your life and work toward making the changes that you require to make you peaceful  to get you out of your box. 

Just changing the living room around can make your home feel as if it's new again and it makes you feel new inside.  It changes your paradigm if even in a small way. Look at what conditions you are living in and make subtle changes to make yourself more comfortable and to feel more peaceful in your environment. 

It doesn't take much to make a change but it changes your perspective, your attitude and your negative energy just dissipates and you feel better.   We strive to feel better in everything we are doing in our lives and choosing to make changes helps us without our being aware that it is happening.    We sleep more peacefully and we feel different about our lives.  

Your home is your castle and you cannot just up and leave it so making it the best you can to achieve peace and joy is your ultimate goal.   Many people just move into a house and put the furniture any which way when they are moving in and don't ever move it again.  If you look at the room, does it make you happy and feel wonderful when you go in there?   That is where you work from by making each room the most it can be so that you are happy to enter it each time you do.

Today is about change and preparing for it to happen in your life in many ways so start with the small stuff to allow yourself to prepare for the big stuff.  It's all good and it will be wonderful so start small and wait for the great big stuff to happen.  Your attitude will create a shift so it will be by your own design.  Isn't that wonderful?

I love you
Julie Severn

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Sunny Saturday

Good morning, it's a beautiful sunny day here in Kamloops.  I am still introspective.  I believe this moon has brought this inner listening to us to let us hear what is happening inside our own hearts and minds and to allow us to remove the babble and listen to the good stuff.   We have a new moon in a week so the inner voice is going to be speaking until that time.   Listen and let yourself be guided in the direction you are meant to go.  Listen and trust yourself.  The time to trust our inner selves is coming closer and closer and as this year moves into the six month time period, we must be trusting what we hear and know to be true for us.  We are being tested and the test is inside of us and we are the writer, the teacher and the answer to the test.

This year is about learning to work with ourselves and be of love and light inward and outward.  If not, we will have more lessons to learn and its our choice and our power to let what happens, happen.   You are a powerful being and you deserve to know it inside and out.   You are so loved for who you are and you also deserve to know it.  We feel unloved most of the time and learning to love ourselves will allow us to feel love both for others and from others.

Be quiet and still and hear your heart pumping its own tune and respect it for what it does as you must respect all of the organs and muscles in your body because they help you to be who you are. You have choices on how you feel about life and how your body feels. 

I love you
Julie Severn

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Additional review from my book Linear to Zig Zag

I decided to insert an additional review from a client of mine from Kamloops here in beautiful British Columbia. He is very happy with the changes in his life from reading my book. I am so happy for him and I will be so happy for anyone who also feels this way when they read it. I wrote this book initially to help others understand their own life purposes and found that it helped me find mine too. My soul purpose has been to help others with their own spiritual healing and access to their own power. It is more important to me than anything I have ever done in my life, besides bearing my two beautiful girls and being a partner to my husband. My spirit is very strong and I love to share and help others find out how strong they really are spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. My love is very deep and real and it embraces and feels so much nurturing and caring for those in need of self discovery and self care. I have learned that we spend so much time on the outside looking after everyone else and we forget about ourselves. Linear to Zig Zag helps you find ways to look after yourself, probably for the first time in your life. Take a chance, read it and find yourself. Read the following and begin your journey: Hi Julie Yes I did read your book. I very much enjoyed it. To be honest, I feel very different after reading it (in a very good way). I have been working on my attitude, learning to treat people with only love and trying to make decisions based on my heart,not my ego. It is a rewarding way of life. I am learning meditation. It is helping me find direction. I have only been doing it for a week or so but am hooked. Love M, Kamloops, B.C. Remember how much you are loved and I love you Julie Severn

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Happy Sunday

Hello Today is a good day. I had my in-laws here for two nights and we had a nice visit. It was peaceful and I am tired but it turned out really well. I feel very introspective because I have known my husband's family since I was sixteen years old and I have watched them grow old as I have my own parents. My own mother is now gone and I feel loving toward them because I recognize how long we have known each other through thick and thin and we are still here, living day to day watching each other. It's an interesting character study and we can see where we are all going and how we are choosing to get there. I have decided that no matter what, my descent into my old age is going to be peaceful and happy. I choose to look forward with joy and even though I have some physical pain (I am almost 56 you know), I am happy with who I am and it's okay to be me. I have earned who I am and I am damn sure going to enjoy it regardless of how others see me. Many think I am very weird because I am spiritual and I believe in angels , demons, God and all otherworldly things. I believe in the characters my daughter builds in her Devils Roses series (Tara Brown) and I believe in fairies, elves and all things unexplained in this time and space. I do not feel arrogant to think that we are the only creatures or beings that inhabit this interdimensional planet. We cannot be the only ones here and there is certainly room for all of us. Let us have some compassion for the old ones because they don't know otherwise and can't see. They grew up in a time of wanting, need and lack. They taught us desire to all good thing and a drive to get there. I still have that drive, thanks to them, and it may be for different things but it's what I desire and it's okay. Anyway, have a wonderful Sunday and bless yourself and your life. It's yours and you chose it so make the very best of it and choose to do it with light. I love you Julie Severn

Thursday, 12 April 2012


Good morning, it's a beautiful rainy day here in Kamloops and I am introspective.  I  feel quite lazy and quiet today but I am going to go swimming and come home and just work on editing my book about Jesus.  It's one of those days where you want to be alone and just feel okay about it.

I am learning about boundaries and what they mean.  I find that my personal space is very important to me and that it's okay to share it when it's good for me but when it's not, I have to listen to my inner being and take that alone time when necessary. 

I also know that I have to be careful and pay attention to the boundaries of others and not tread on them.  My lessons are always good for me whether I like it or not and today it's boundaries.  They're all around us, invisible lines like a grid that we cannot see but we can feel them if we use our inner senses and try to pay attention to them.    If we close our eyes we can see them all around us and we know which ones are ours by the colors. 

It's a good way to try to open to your powers.  Just close your eyes and visualize the boundaries and colors around inanimate objects and imagine what those would look like around another person, your cat or your dog.  They're there and they are called auras but they are also boundaries.  Whether permissible or not, it depends how far outward from each other those boundaries span.  When someone is open and friendly, they're large but when they're quiet and inside themselves, they're close and cannot be permeated. 

It's a very interesting way to start your day, paying attention to the energy around you.
I love you
Julie Severn

Monday, 9 April 2012

Easter 2012

Well, Easter, 2012 is over and that means we can all resurrect ourselves to be what we desire to be rather than what we are. Why not choose to change and amend our inner selves to match our outer selves? As I have stated before, we are what we think so why not think 'I am powerful, I am loved, I am beautiful, I only create positive and joyful events in my life, I am safe, I choose life, I am an aspect of God and as such, I deserve to be respected and in turn, I respect others, I do not judge, I am not judged'. Get the drift? You can change your life just by verbalizing change and it comes from Within and moves outward. You are a powerful being and you can choose to make changes in your life just by changing your mind. It's easier than you think. You are loved and you are stronger than you think you are. Trust me, it's true. I love you. Julie severn

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Inner Guidance

Greetings I just joined Facebook today so you can access this blog and my book information through that venue as well. I guess it's time I joined the new age of computer world and start using the available places to get my name and my words out as quickly and efficiently as possible. I feel strongly about words and their usage. It is important to speak appropriately and verbalize what you desire in your life. If you speak it, you create it. If you think it, you create it. Choosing to speak your heart and using your own inner guidance is vital in today's world because spirit has caught up to the new computer age and speaking or thinking creates almost instantaneously. Think of the words you use and you will notice what happens to you when you use them. Firstly, take the words 'need' and 'want' out of your vocabulary. If you need or want you are left needing and wanting. Desire or choose to have what you are looking for in your life. If you start to use desire instead of need, you will notice your inner guidance leading you in the light direction. I teach how to manifest in your life and how to heal yourself. I also teach how to open to your own power and learn how to listen to your guidance. Email me. Write me and we can talk. Enter a comment onto this blog and I promise to answer your questions. I love you. Julie Severn
Good morning.  It's spring and I finally feel as if I can do something.  I am looking forward to the sunshine, the warmth and activity.  Winter has been long and slow and it's good to feel as if there is a reason to do anything and get outside and feel the energy of our beautiful Central Sun and its power to enervate and heal us.  I have never had fear of the sun and feel we should love it and let it heal us.  I remember once I had hurt myself and my doctor recommended that I go sit in the sun to heal my skin.  I had been cut all over my face from a bicycle accident and the sun healed it.  I used no medicine on my face, I just sat in the summer sun and there are no scars from those injuries.  If we send love energy toward the sun, we will always heal from it rather than fear it.  We must understand that there are times to not be in the sun such as the hottest time of day but the morning and late afternoon sun will always benefit us. 

When I look outside and I listen to the birds singing, I want nothing more than to be out there digging in the garden and planting flowers, herbs and vegetables.  It is my time of producing and it also means that I produce in all ways.   Not just outside in the garden but in my heart and my words.  I find that I write more in the spring because it is my time of productivity. 

I find myself busier and more social with my friends.  It is time to move out of the winter phase and into the spring and summer phase of my life where I am joyful and happy to be here.  I have always been happy to be here but I find in the winter that I hibernate and let myself just be quiet during that period.  It is just for that period of time and then I am up and at it again as soon as spring arrives.  Oh joyful spring, I bless winter because it gives me rest and strength to move into spring with so much more anticipation of that light to come.

Step out of your house and into the light and bless yourself for the courage and tenacity to keep doing that all the time without fear that the sun will harm you.   I love you and I send you love and light.
Julie Severn

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Anxiety and Trauma

Good morning
It's a cold, crisp morning here in Kamloops and it's going to be a sunny day again.  I love this weather because the cold is brisk and keeps you alert and the sun warms your bones even through the cold.  Today is going to be another beautiful day and it's another day to keep working on ourselves.  Every day our intent is what drives us through our lives.  Do I intend to heal?  Do I intend to keep feeling pain and emotional trauma?  I have a choice and I can choose to heal. 

Because of my car accident in 2003, I have had to learn a lot of tools to put into my kitbag.  One such tool is allowing myself to feel the way I do each day.  I learned that when the anxiety attacks were so forceful that they shut me down.  I went through Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and learned to heal through it without drugs.  It was very difficult but worth it because my life is mine and I will not give my power to drugs.  I learned to stop being silent about how I was feeling.  Our first tendency is to shut down and stop talking even though the trauma and anxiety are eating us alive on the inside.  It gets worse when you shut down so talk about it.  Just say out loud, I am feeling anxious right now but it's okay for me to feel this way.  I allow myself to feel upset and I know it will go away.  And it does. It just goes away because you have taken its power away from you. 

Another thing was to get in my car and scream at the top of my lungs.  I would turn on the music and scream while I sang.  I could not believe how much that helped.   I have learned from the ground up how to heal myself and it was a long journey but well worth the travel.  I also learned to use the power of speech during affirmations as a tool to heal myself.   I started saying every day, "I now release all cellular memory of my car accident, post traumatic stress and anxiety from my spiritual, physical, emotional and mental bodies, past, present and future."  Just saying that has taken all anxiety attacks away and I now live in a more peaceful way.  It really works.  Just try it and see for yourself. 

So many of us are having anxiety attacks and don't talk about it, nor do we understand why.  It doesn't have to be a huge catastrophic accident like mine to cause anxiety.  It could  be something  like a parent passing away, a divorce, a child moving out, changing jogs, moving out of your old house to a new one.  It does not take much to cause it and it can be crippling. 

Choose life and choose peace.  Choose healing and choose your power.  That makes a good day.
I love you.
Julie Severn

Monday, 13 February 2012

Good morning.  Today is another beautiful day and I am going to be working on What Child Is This, my book about Jesus and his family.  His daughter, Sarah, is the narrator of the story and it coincides with Dan Brown's book The Da Vinci Code.  The interesting thing about it is that I wrote this book in 1996 and 1997 and he wrote his in 2003 and we both wrote that the child's name is Sarah.  Quite coincidental wouldn't you say? 

This book is completely finished and just requires the editing to be entered into the book so it will not be long until it is also going to be available on Kindle.  I look forward to finally getting this done and starting another project. 

I have many books that I have begun so it's just a matter of just finishing them so there will be more to add to the list.  I send you a lot of love and light for today and all days.
Love Julie Severn

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Special time

Ths is a special time for humankind. We at all challenged to heal ourselves and reunite with the energy of the planet. It is a time for quiet introspection and meditation and working with your guides to heal what is happening in your lives. It is also a time to be devoted, completely devoted to your attitudes, energy and what you emit onto the planet and into yourselves. We are all masters, waiting to be awakened to the new normal. The new normal is you being able to access your inner guidance, your God-self and to utilize that power for the greater good for yourself and, ultimately for the greater good of the planet and humankind. We are asked to love ourselves, forgive ourselves and find complete peace within to find it on the outside. Mother Earth will react positively with love and care towards us if we find it in ourselves to be of love. There are only two real emotions, love and fear. Fear cannot reside within you if you are acting and being with love in your intent. Ask for help, with love and you shall receive it. You are much stronger than you realizeand once you discover this, you will finally be normal. Be of love and be of peace in your life and find your inner joy. I love you. Julie Severn

Linear to Zig Zag

Today is a beautiful day and I feel such joy that my book is finally getting out there. It has been too many years and too much water under the bridge. I wrote this book in 1996 and 1997 and waited until the right moment. This is it. I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Linear to Zig Zag, Healing the Planet Human

The link to my new book Linear to Zig Zag, Healing the Planet Human, which has just hit Kindle's new KDP Catalogue. I have a coupon for it for the next two days making it free to all Amazon customers for that two days,